
Customer portal Q&A

Logging in to the Datahub customer portal

How do I log in to the customer portal?

You log in to the customer portal by using the identification service provided by Suomi.fi. Using Suomi.fi e-identification is safe and easy:

  • You can choose which of the available identification methods you want to use.
  • Your credentials are secured.
  • The identification service handles your privacy protection in accordance with the legislation and regulations on processing of personal data in Finland.

A person representing a company can access the company’s information as a business customer if he or she has been granted access in the Suomi.fi service.

Why can’t I log in as a personal customer after having unsuccessfully tried to log in as a business customer?

If a person is authorised in the Suomi.fi service to act on behalf of a company, but the company in question neither has nor has had any electricity agreements, then this company does not exist in Datahub. The identification using the Suomi.fi service is successful, but the login to Datahub on behalf of the company fails as follows:

The person successfully gets to Datahub’s customer portal and selects “Login as company user”.

The user receives the following notifications:

  •   ”Successfully logged in at Suomi.fi”
  •   ”Login to Datahub failed”

At this point, selecting “Login as current user” will give the error message ”No data found, please login on behalf of or as company user.”

After an unsuccessful login on behalf of a company, it is unfortunately not possible to switch to the personal customer login within the same session.

To access your personal information, please log out of Datahub and start the login process over.

Why can’t I log in to the customer portal?

Login issues can have several causes. Clearing the browser’s cache may be one solution.

At present, there are differences between different bank identification services. For certain banks, more than one try may be necessary. If your first login fails, please try again. This error situation is under investigation.

At present, you can only log in to the Datahub customer portal in the Nordic countries and within the EU.

If your login results in the error message ”Unknown customer”, this indicates that there are no electricity agreements registered in Datahub for your personal identity code. If you do have an active electricity agreement, please check with your supplier under which name and personal identity code this agreement has been registered in Datahub.

How can I log in to the customer portal as a business customer?

A person representing a company can use his or her own identification to log in as a business customer, as long as the person has been granted the rights to do so in the Suomi.fi service, or has a role entitled to act on behalf of the company. When you act on behalf of a company, your mandate is automatically checked against the Trade Register, the Business Information System and other authority registers, using Suomi.fi authorisations. The following persons can act on behalf of a company:

  • CEO
  • Deputy CEO
  • Auditor
  • Chief auditor
  • Additional auditor
  • Private entrepreneur
  • Liquidator
  • Property manager
  • Chief property manager
  • Partner
  • Chairman of the board of the limited company
  • Member of the board of the limited company
  • A person with the sole right to sign for the company

More information on these authorisations: https://www.suomi.fi/instructions-and-support/information-on-eauthorizations/request-a-mandate-as-a-company-or-an-organisation. You can issue or request a mandate for transaction on the Suomi.fi authorisations page under the section ”Grant and request authorisations”. The mandate used in Datahub’s customer portal is ”Viewing the details of electricity agreements”.

Contact information for support and advisory services for the use of Suomi.fi authorisations:

Why is my personal identity code needed in Datahub?

The personal identity code is a means of identification for individuals that is more specific than a name. Several people may have the exact same name, but there are no two persons with exactly the same personal identity code. Identification is important in Datahub in order to let the right person access the right data and to keep the customer information provided by different electricity companies up to date.

The personal identity code enables the use of strong authentication when logging in to the customer portal.

Purpose of personal data

In accordance with the Electricity Market Act, Datahub operates as a centralised information exchange system and is thus responsible for:

  • maintaining information on customers and electricity accounting points on the electricity market
  • organising the information exchange required by the customer agreement processes for the sale and distribution of electricity
  • organising the information exchange for metering data
  • organising disconnection and connection processes
  • maintaining product and invoice row information

Information content and data storage in the customer portal

What kind of information can I find in the customer portal?

The customer portal contains information on your electricity agreements and your accounting points as well as metering data for your accounting points. You can also view the authorisations you have granted.

The customer portal’s start page contains your agreement information. By selecting an agreement, you can view its information as well as information on and consumption data for the connected accounting point.

For each agreement, you can also see if your agreement information has been updated. In case of any agreement issues, please contact your electricity supplier or distribution network company.

You can also view your customer information and how it has been updated. In case your information needs to be updated, please contact your supplier. If you have an agreement with more than one supplier, contacting one of them is enough to get the change through.

What information is collected and from whom

Datahub processes information related to electricity accounting points. Datahub stores data on the accounting point’s owner as well as the accounting point’s consumption data and other related data. For instance, when a person moving to a new apartment signs an electricity agreement with an electricity supplier and a network company, the customer’s information is updated in Datahub by the electricity supplier. Both the supplier’s and the network company’s data for the accounting point is always transferred from their own systems to Datahub. This means that all information related to an electricity accounting point, in this case the apartment, is found in the same system.

Personal data stored in Datahub includes:


Personal identity code or date of birth


Phone number

Email address

Information on the electricity agreement (e.g., validity period)

Electricity accounting point ID

Electricity accounting point address

Additional information on the electricity accounting point (e.g., fuse rating, connection status)

Network service product (e.g., general transmission)


Information on invoicing

Consumption information

In case the customer contacts Fingrid Datahub, the following information may be stored:

Information related to the issue

Can I use the customer portal when shopping around for the best deal on electricity?

The customer portal can be used for viewing current agreement details such as your supplier and whether your agreement is fixed term or valid until further notice. You will also find your accounting point ID, in case it’s needed in the process.

Who is entitled to my data?

The only parties entitled to an electricity user’s data are those who have an agreement with the user or who have been authorised by the user to access the data. These parties can only access data stemming from the period while the agreement was valid. If the electricity user’s information has been updated after the termination of an agreement, the other agreement party can only access information dating from the time the agreement vas valid and thus cannot view the latest data.

The parties operating in Datahub are electricity suppliers, network companies and service providers. Service providers typically provide value-added services to end users who have given them permission to do so.

These three market parties also have the option of authorising another party to act on their behalf.

Is my data safe?

Fingrid is a company critical to security of supply, and we follow security procedures in line with this responsibility.

The transmission of data between the different parties is encrypted. The access to the Datahub system and the information it contains is restricted to parties entitled to this information. The databases are secured.

How far back can I find data in Datahub?

Datahub went live on 21 February 2022. In Datahub’s start-up phase, historical data for a maximum period of six years was imported. If the customer’s agreement had been valid for less than six years at the time of the import, this was the maximum amount of data imported.

The graph for energy consumption only shows data for one year at a time.

How long is my data retained?

Data is retained for six years after the electricity agreement for the accounting point and the metering based on it has ended.

Disclosure and transfer of data

In accordance with the Electricity Market Act, Datahub provides data to eSett, which handles the Nordic imbalance settlement. The data provided is aggregated distribution network imbalance settlement information for the purposes of joint Nordic imbalance settlement.

Datahub reports key figures to the Energy Authority regarding the number of electricity agreements and accounting points.

In accordance with the Electricity Market Act, Datahub provides Statistics Finland with accounting point and consumption information for the performance of statutory tasks.

Only the information each supplier, network company or service provider is entitled to, based on agreements or authorisations, will be disclosed to the party in question.

Why can’t I find data for the entire duration of my electricity agreement?

If the supplier or network company has made amendments to your electricity agreement during your agreement period, it is possible that data is not shown for the entire duration of your agreement. If you have trouble finding your data, please contact your electricity supplier or network company to sort this out.

Can I find information on all my electricity agreements?

In the customer portal you can view all agreements and authorisations for each of your accounting points.

Datahub went live on 21 February 2022. In Datahub’s start-up phase, historical data for a maximum period of six years was imported. If the customer’s agreement had been valid for less than six years at the time of the import, this was the maximum amount of data imported. The data was retrieved just before the go-live of Datahub and all agreements valid at that time or expiring within six weeks of it were imported. Therefore, your complete electricity agreement history may not be found in Datahub.

Why can’t I find the prices and fees of my electricity agreements?

Datahub only handles data needed in the information exchange between electricity suppliers and network companies, and electricity tariffs are not part of this data. Prices and fees are available directly from your supplier or network company.

Why can’t I see my electricity bills?

Datahub only handles data needed in the information exchange between electricity suppliers and network companies, and bills are not part of this data. Your bill is only available directly from your supplier or network company.

How is data protected for customers with a non-disclosure for personal safety reasons?

When the customer notifies the supplier or network company of a non-disclosure, the company forwards this information to Datahub. Datahub protects the electricity consumer’s information by revoking any authorisations granted, since a customer with a non-disclosure cannot grant authorisations.

Parties that already have an electricity agreement with the customer are still entitled to the customer’s information. Even without a non-disclosure, only companies with which the electricity consumer has an agreement can access the customer’s data in Datahub. This data is at no point available to all companies using Datahub.

How can I get my information corrected?

If you notice an error in your customer information, please contact your electricity supplier or network company to get it corrected. Data submitted to Datahub is not modified within the system, any corrections must be made by the supplier or network company in their own systems. The corrected information is then transferred to Datahub.

Can my data be deleted from Datahub?

Datahub collects and stores data as stated in the Electricity Market Act. Data cannot be deleted until six years have passed since the ending of an electricity agreement. After that, Datahub deletes the data automatically. If, in your opinion, you neither have nor have had an electricity agreement in the last six years, but there’s still information on you in Datahub, please contact our customer service via the contact form and we will check your situation.

Where can I find contact information for my electricity supplier or network company?

The contact information for your supplier or network company you find behind the button “Show organization contact”. 


Authorising someone else to access your data

Who can be authorised in Datahub?

In Datahub, you can authorise an electricity supplier when tendering for electricity, if the supplier needs your information in Datahub in order to make you an offer. You can also authorise a service provider to access your data for the purpose of energy reporting. The service provider is then granted automatic access to your consumption data for the period chosen.

How can I authorise a service provider to access my data?

You can authorise the service provider in the ”Authorisations” section on the start page of the customer portal.

  • Click ”Create Authorisation”.
  • Choose the accounting point whose data you want to grant access to.
  • Choose the right organisation from the list. Start writing the name of your service provider to ease up the search.
  • Choose the authorisation type:
    • Energy reporting – The customer authorises a service provider to handle all matters related to the customer’s electricity consumption, e.g., in a reporting application.
    • Invitation to tender – In order to get an offer when shopping around for the best deal on electricity, the customer authorises an electricity supplier to view customer information.
    • Competitive bidding – The customer makes an agreement with a consultant who then handles the competitive bidding process for the customer. The consultant is authorised to view customer information and accounting point data.
  • Enter the start and end dates for the authorisation. The system automatically proposes the last possible expiration date for the chosen type of authorisation.
  • Enter a detailed description, if necessary.
  • When ready, click Save.

The company you authorised is notified of the new authorisation.

What are the validity periods for authorisations based on?

The authorisations granted in Datahub have different purposes, and their validity periods are set accordingly. An authorisation granted to a service provider for the purpose of energy reporting is valid for a maximum of two years. An authorisation granted to an electricity supplier for an invitation to tender is valid for a maximum of two weekdays. The validity periods are based on common practice within the industry and data protection requirements.

Please note that an authorisation granted in the Suomi.fi service is valid until further notice.

How can I authorise another person to access my data?

If you want to authorise another person to access your data in the customer portal, you can do so in the Suomi.fi service. Datahub’s customer portal is found on Suomi.fi under the authorisation item ”Viewing the details of electricity agreements”. Once this authorisation has been granted on Suomi.fi, the person granted the mandate can, using his or her own identification during login, view the assignor’s data. You can grant or request authorisation on the Suomi.fi authorisations page under the section ”Grant and request authorizations”. For more information on authorisations, please see Instructions for Suomi.fi e-Authorizations - Suomi.fi.

If someone is unable to grant Suomi.fi authorisations, for example due to a lack of digital skills or suitable identification, authorisation with assistance can be used.

Contact information for support and advisory services for the use of Suomi.fi authorisations for end users:


Energy reporting

What does ”data resolution” in the accounting point information mean?

The value for data resolution tells you the metering resolution for your accounting point. This is the interval for the metering of your consumption. It is either one hour (PT1H) or 15 minutes (PT15M).

Why have some of my metering values changed?

Your network company sends metering data to Datahub with a data resolution of either one hour or 15 minutes. Sometimes a smart meter cannot be accessed or read, and in that case estimated metering data is reported to Datahub. When the meter can be read again, the actual values replace the estimated ones, and these values can naturally differ from each other.

Why can't I see all my consumption data

Your network company is responsible for collecting metering data from your accounting point and for sending the data to Datahub. Network companies are obliged to deliver metering data to Datahub within 11 days, but they usually deliver it the following day. Data from, for instance, Monday, is generally available during Tuesday.

Sometimes a smart meter cannot be accessed or read, or there is an error in the systems processing metering data or in the connection to Datahub. When this happens, data may not be delivered to Datahub within the normal schedule. If no meter readings can be accessed, the network company estimates metering data on an hourly or quarterly level in accordance with statutory mechanisms and delivers these estimated values ​​to Datahub.

If you have missing metering data in Datahub, please contact your network company.

Why does the downloadable energy report use a time interval of 15 minutes for the data?

The downloadable file for energy reporting uses the same data resolution for metering data that your network company uses. If your network company delivers your metering data to Datahub with a data resolution of 15 minutes, this is what you see in the report. If your meter is read hourly, the data resolution in your report is one hour.

Why is my consumption data in UTC time in the downloadable energy report?

Network companies deliver metering data to Datahub as time series data in UTC time. The data for the downloadable CSV file is fetched directly from Datahub without time conversion. The consumption data in the user interface of the customer portal, however, has been converted to EET time.

Where can I see my meter readings?

Datahub receives your metering data as hourly or quarterly time series data. Cumulative meter reading data, i.e., the actual numbers on your electricity meter, is not delivered to Datahub.

How can I get last year’s total consumption?

You can view last year’s consumption data by month by choosing a time period of at least a year and by selecting the tab ”Year”. At the moment, the energy report does not produce the grand total for a year, so every month’s consumption has to be added up manually in order to get the total yearly consumption.

What do the values ”Default”, ”Netted” and ”Community” on the energy report mean?

Your metering data is shown as hourly or quarterly time series data, which is default. This is the only possible option unless your accounting point has other types of data.

If your accounting point has small-scale production, both consumption and production are registered as own accounting points in Datahub. The consumption and production is then netted by Datahub. Netting means that the production is deducted from the consumption, leaving a netted value.

If your accounting point is part of an energy community, the part of the whole community production that you are entitled to is deducted from your consumption, leaving a netted value called community.

What do the values for ”Reading type” on the downloadable energy report mean?

The reading type values describe the time series data.

BN01 Metered

BN02 Netted

BN03 Energy community

How can I get the consumption data of the downloadable energy report properly displayed in Excel?

The downloadable energy report is a CSV file. Open Excel or another spreadsheet program and open the file in the program (using File > Open). If you try to open the file before the program (by simply double-clicking on the file), some data may not be displayed properly. You can transfer the contents to columns either through a dialogue which opens automatically, or by using the options on the Data tab: ”From Text/CSV” or ”Text to Columns”. The CSV file uses a decimal point (not a comma) as decimal separator.

25. Can consumption data be downloaded from Datahub's customer portal using the API interface

At the moment, it is not possible to download consumption data from the customer portal using an interface. You can either view your consumption data in the customer portal or download it as a CSV file.


Energy communities

Can a housing company see how the production of its energy community has been distributed between the community members?

The energy community cannot see how the production has been distributed between the members. The community holds records of the shares and can see the production as a whole. Based on this data, the community can calculate the production share for each apartment. Or it can collect this data from its members.

The community can only access data for its own production accounting point and its own possible consumption accounting point, since these are the only accounting points that have a contract signed by the energy community.

Where can I find the total amount of kWh that has been distributed between an energy community’s members?

This depends on the amount of accounting points in the energy community and whether there is a related consumption accounting point that is being netted.

If the energy community has one production accounting point and one related consumption accounting point, these are netted, meaning that the consumption is deducted from the production, leaving a netted value. This value is the amount that has been distributed between the members. If the community wants to know the total yearly amount that has been distributed between the members, the community can use the customer portal’s energy report to fetch the data for a year and then check the total for the netted value (called ”Netted”). This is the amount of kWh that has been distributed between the members.

If the energy community has one production accounting point but no related consumption accounting point, the metered value can be used as such, since this is the total production. This value is called ”Default”, or ”BN01” in the downloadable report.

If the energy community has several production accounting points, all the pairs of related production and consumption accounting points are netted. In order to find out the amount of energy distributed between all members, the values for each netted accounting point in the community have to be summed. In the customer portal, the housing community cannot access the data for its independent members. Therefore the housing community cannot see the total amount of energy distributed, unless it collects this data from each member separately.

Where can I check if my accounting point belongs to an energy community?

Under the tab called ”Accounting point” you can see whether your accounting point belongs to an energy community or not. In case it does, you will find the following information:

  • The ID of the energy community
  • The name of the energy community


Updates to the customer portal

Are there any updates to the customer portal?

The customer portal was updated on 23 April 2024 with the following changes:

  • Before the update, the language for the customer portal’s login page was set according to the language defined in the user’s browser settings. In the update, the option to select a language (Finnish, English, Swedish) was added to the login page. The language choice is then transferred from the login page to the portal.
  • On the energy reporting page, measurement data could not be classified by month if more than 31 days were selected as time period. After the fix, measurement data can be viewed monthly even if more than 31 days are selected.
  • The info button on the energy reporting page did not show any information, and it was not possible to add information. After the fix, the info button works as expected.
  • On the energy reporting page, the sorting of measurement data according to the measured kWh value did not work correctly. After the fix, the kWh values ​​can be sorted from largest to smallest and vice versa.
  • On the energy report, the translations for the function ”Used in invoicing” have been wrong. After the fix, all language options have correct translations.
  • The customer portal got an option for comparing one’s current energy consumption with last year’s consumption. This requirement is based on a change in law stating that Datahub should be considered responsible for presenting this information. Electricity market act § 105 d Sähkönkäytön vertailutiedot (comparative data for electricity consumption) states that when the end consumer’s invoice is based on actual consumption or on remote reading of a meter, the following information must be accessible for the end consumer, either on the invoice or as an attachment: 1) a comparison of the electricity consumption for the invoicing period and the consumption for the same period the previous year, as a graphical presentation.
  • When comparing the electricity consumption of two accounting points, both a decimal comma and a decimal point were used as decimal separators. After the fix, only the decimal comma is accepted as separator.
  • A table column header has been corrected (Monthly consumption reporting).
  • Authorisations created in the customer portal and then ended with a changed end date within the same session sometimes got the agreement’s start date as end date instead of the end date selected. After the fix, the authorisation’s end date is the same as the agreement’s end date.
  • The headers in the downloadable CSV file containing all agreement were in English, even if the user had chosen Swedish as language. This has been corrected.
  • The energy reporting page and the downloadable CSV file had diverging start and end dates. After the fix, the CSV file has the same dates as the energy report.