Price of the last ordered up-regulation bid
Up- and down-regulation price
Balancing energy market aims to maintain the balance between electricity production and consumption in real time. Fingrid activates either up- or down regulation bids from the market at the real-time need. Up-regulation can be increase in generation or decrease in consumption, and the price for up-regulation is determined by the most expensive up-regulating bid used in the balancing power market during the hour in question. Down-regulation can be decrease in generation or increase in consumption, and the price for down-regulation is determined by the cheapest down-regulating bid used in the power market during the particular hour. However, the minimum price for up-regulating price and the maximum price for down-regulating price is the spot-price in Finland.
Volume and price of the balancing energy are published one hour after the operating hour. They can be founded here.
Price of the last ordered up- and down-regulation bids
The price of the last ordered up- and down-regulation bids in Finland are published in real time only when Finland operates as its own balancing area and there are regulation bids requested inside Finland. Finland operates as its own balancing area when the cross-border transmission link between Finland and Nordics are in full use. In this case, there cannot be any balancing energy imports or exports made between the countries and only Finnish regulation bids can be exploited in Finland.
If Fingrid has activated the regulation bids for other purposes than balancing (i.e. special regulation), the final regulating price may differ from the published real-time price.
Prices of last activated up- and down-regulation bids published in real-time can be found from Fingrid Open Data:
Price of last activated up-regulation bid, real-time publication
Price of last activated down-regulation bid, real-time publication