
General connection terms

By virtue of the Finnish Electricity Market Act Fingrid as a Transmission System Operator (TSO) has a responsibility to develop the Finnish electricity power system and an obligation to connect regional and distribution networks and power plants to its main grid. On request and against reasonable compensation the system operator is obliged to provide access to the main grid for electricity consumption sites and power generating installations with technically approved connection solution.

The General Connection Terms (YLE) describe the general technical specifications for electrical equipment connected to the electricity grid. The connection terms ensure the technical compatibility of parties connecting to the grids and define the rights, responsibilities and obligations related to a connection.

The general connection terms apply to Fingrid’s electrical equipment and to the electrical equipment owned or controlled by another contracting party that is connecting to Fingrid’s electricity grid. The customer is responsible for agreeing with customers directly or indirectly connected to its electricity network that their electricity networks and related electrical equipment also meet Fingrid’s general connection terms as well as other guidelines and requirements related to implementing the connection. Observing the general connection terms allows us to ensure that different electricity systems are technically compatible.

The system security and cost-effectiveness of the main grid require that low-capacity connections be connected primarily to the distribution networks. The Finnish Energy Authority, Energiavirasto, maintains a list of distribution system operators (DSOs) in Finland.

Fingrid’s updated General Connection Terms have been confirmed by the Finnish Energy Authority, Energiavirasto on 28th of December 2021. The updated version is called YLE2021 and it immediately replaces the previous version, YLE2017.
New Terms YLE2021 will apply to new connections and modifications to existing connections for which the Connection Agreement will be signed or changed after 28th of December 2021.

Unofficial English translation is available in the Attachments section (right side of this page). Official Finnish version of YLE2021 is available here.

Additional documents to General connection terms

Instruction - Largest allowed stepwise power change in the power plant connection in the Finnish power system

Instruction coming soon