11.9.2015 09:30
Press Releases, Current News, Projects

Fingrid makes significant investment to ensure supply of electricity in the capital region

Transmission system operator Fingrid has made an investment decision to develop the substation in Länsisalmi in Vantaa. The investment will ensure the supply of electricity in Helsinki and secure functions that are vital to society in the densely populated capital region.Electricity is supplied to Helsinki and Vantaa from Fingrid's main grid by means of the Länsisalmi and Tammisto transformer substations near Ring Road III. Electricity is supplied to approximately 800,000 residents via these two substations. An increase in the area's electricity consumption and changes to Helsinki's electricity production require the supply capacity to be reinforced. 

According to Fingrid's investment decision, the transformer capacity of the Länsisalmi substation will be increased with a new 400/110 kilovolt transformer, a new 400 kilovolt switchgear will be constructed at the station and the necessary 400 and 110 kilovolt line arrangements will be carried out. The station's central location along Ring Road III and Porvoonväylä will be taken into account when planning the substation building and transmission line structures. Industrial design skills will be utilised in the design of the substation building and terminal tower of the lines which are visible to traffic routes.

Construction work on the investment, which totals approximately 20 million, will begin next year and the project is due for completion in 2017. Fingrid is also planning the construction of a new 400 kilovolt cable connection nearer to the centre of Helsinki in the 2020s. The development of the Länsisalmi substation will help to implement that plan.
Further information:
Senior Vice President, grid services and planning, Jussi Jyrinsalo, tel. +358 (0)40 550 2044