

Clean, affordable and reliable electricity attracts investments in plants that produce it and industries that consume it in Finland. Increased production no longer means higher emissions – in the future, industries will be based either on emission-free electricity directly or hydrogen produced using such electricity.

Finland has more space than Central Europe for new clean energy production and industrial investments. The availability of clean water is also essential for many industrial investments. Furthermore, Finland has the critical minerals required for many production processes. 

These pages will explain how a company can prepare for electricity production, consumption and grid energy storage to enter the electricity market and become a Fingrid customer. 

Why invest in Finland?
Why invest in Finland?
Finnish electricity is not only clean but also affordable. Finland’s main grid has boasted world-class transmission reliability year after year. Invest in Finland!
How to enter the electricity market?
How to enter the electricity market?
You will need an electricity supplier and control centre functions for the production and consumption facilities at your accounting point. Check the facility’s reserve capability.
How should I operate in the market?
How should I operate in the market?
Companies sell their produced electricity, buy electricity to cover their consumption, and participate in the in the day-ahead and intraday as well as the reserve market.
Clean energy from Finland - welcome!
Clean energy from Finland - welcome!
We’re at the forefront of development, creating new innovations and working with our customers to ensure that Finland continues to lead the way in clean energy.