President and executive management group
The President
The President & CEO, in compliance with the Limited Liability Companies Act, attends to the administrative routines of the company in accordance with guidelines provided by the Board of Directors. In accordance with the Limited Liability Companies Act, the President & CEO is responsible for ensuring that the company’s bookkeeping complies with legislation and that financial management is reliably organised. Assisted by the executive management group, the President & CEO is responsible for the operations of the company and the implementation of the Board of Directors’ decisions and serves as the Chair of the Board of the subsidiaries. The President & CEO is not a member of the company’s Board of Directors.
Executive management group
The executive management group supports the President & CEO. Its tasks are:
• To define, communicate, implement and follow up the strategy.
• To draw up an action plan and budget.
• To implement financial control and risk management.
• To implement resource planning, procurement and control.
• To implement external communications and stakeholder dialogue.
• To prepare matters for the Board of Directors.
• To develop the work of the executive management group
In addition to the CEO, the executive management group comprises Timo Kiiveri, Jussi Jyrinsalo, Antti Keskinen, Marina Louhija, Jukka Metsälä, Tiina Miettinen, Tuomas Rauhala and Kari Suominen.
Asta Sihvonen-Punkka
Licentiate in Economics, M.For, born in 1962
President & CEO since 2024
Member of the executive management group since 2016,
employed by Fingrid since 2016
Key positions of Trust
Finnish Energy Association, Member of the Board 2024-
Fingrid Datahub Oy, Chair of the Board 2024-
Finextra Oy, Chair of the Board 2024-
ENTSO-E, Assembly, member, Vice-President 2023-
Gasgrid Finland Oy, Member of the Board 2020-
Previous work experience
Fingrid Oyj, Executive Vice President 2019-2023
Fingrid Oyj, Senior Vice President 2016-2023, Markets
Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority, director general 2011-2015
The Energy Market Authority (Energy Authority), director general 2002-2011
The Energy Market Authority (Sähkömarkkinakeskus), director 1998-2002
Holds no shares in the company or in a company that belongs to the same group as Fingrid.
Timo Kiiveri
M.Sc. (Tech.), MBA, CBM, born in 1967
Executive Vice President since 2024
Senior Vice President since 2019, Asset Management
Member of the executive management group since 2019,
employed by Fingrid since 2019
Key positions of trust
FoxDo Oy, Advisory Board member, 2020-
Vipetec Oy, Deputy Member of the Board, 2016-
Previous work experience
Empower Oyj, President, Power Division 2012-2019
Empower PN Oy, Managing Director 2014-2019
Empower, President, Baltic Operations 2014-2019
Empower Oyj, Member of the Group Executive Team 2012-2019
Fingrid Oyj, several positions 1997-2012
Imatran Voima Oy and IVO Voimansiirto Oy, several positions 1991-1997
Holds no shares in the company or in a company that belongs to the same group as Fingrid.
Jussi Jyrinsalo
Licentiate in Technology, born in 1964
Senior Vice President since 2005, Transmission System Services and Grid Planning
Member of the executive management group since 2005,
employed by Fingrid since 1997
Key positions of trust
Baltic Grid Planning Committee, Chair 2022-
Fingrid Datahub Oy, Member of the Board 2020-
Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, electricity and automation engineering advisory board 2020-
Nordic Grid Planning Committee, Member 2016- and Chair 2022-
Finnish Energy, Member of the Grid Committee 2015-
Previous work experience
Fingrid Oyj, several positions 1997-2005
IVO Voimansiirto Oy, several positions 1993-1997
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Assistant Professor 1992-1993
Tampere University of Technology, several positions 1989 -1992
Holds no shares in the company or in a company that belongs to the same group as Fingrid.
Antti Keskinen
M.Sc. (Tech.), born in 1984
Senior Vice President, Markets since 2024
Member of the executive management group since 2024,
employed by Fingrid since 2024
Key positions of trust
GF Infrastructure Oy, Member of the Board 2017-
Kurppa Holding Oy, CEO and Member of the Board 2017-
eSett Oy, Deputy Member of the Board 2024-
Previous work experience
Ilmatar Energy Oy, SVP, New Business Development 2021-2024
Caruna Oy, Head of Innovation 2018-2021, Development Manager 2015-2018, Head of Network Technology 2014-2015
Fortum Oy, Head of Network Technology, distribution Nordic 2013, several positions 2011-2014
GF Infrastructure Oy, Chief Operating Officer, co-founder 2017-
Holds no shares in the company or in a company that belongs to the same group as Fingrid.
Marina Louhija
LLM, Executive MBA, born in 1968
General Counsel since 2013, legal affairs and administration, compliance and sustainability
Member of the executive management group since 2017,
employed by Fingrid since 2009
Secretary of the company’s Board of Directors since 2013
Key positions of trust
Nordic RCC, Member of the Board 2022-
Metropolitan Area Transport Ltd., Member of the Board 2022-
Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce, Member of the Group of Delegates 2020-
Other positions
Finextra Oy, CEO 2018-
Previous work experience
Fingrid Oyj, Head of Administration 2009-2013
Sonnenschein, Attorneys Ltd/Chicago, visiting lawyer, 2000
Roschier Oy, Attorney-at-Law, Specialist Counsel 1994-2009
Holds no shares in the company or in a company that belongs to the same group as Fingrid.
Jukka Metsälä
M.Sc. (Tech), MBA, born in 1979
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) since 2022
Member of the executive management group since 2022,
employed by Fingrid since 2022
Previous work experience
Gasum Oyj, Director in different management positions 2014-2022
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, Consultant in different positions 2011-2014
Fingrid Oyj, Business Development Manager 2003-2011
Holds no shares in the company or in a company that belongs to the same group as Fingrid.
Tiina Miettinen
M.Sc (Politics), M.Sc (Knowledge Management), CBM, born in 1963
Senior Vice President since 2013, HR, Communications and Security
Member of the executive management group since 2013,
employed by Fingrid since 2007
Key positions of trust
Finextra Oy, Member of the Board 2018-
Finnish Energy, Member of the Labour Market Committee 2013-
Previous work experience
Fingrid Oyj, Head of Communications, 2007-2013
Housing Fair Finland Co-op, Head of Communications, 2004-2007
The Finnish Real Estate Federation, Communications Manager, 2003-2004
Akava ry - Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland, Communications Manager, 1996-2003
Holds no shares in the company or in a company that belongs to the same group as Fingrid.
Tuomas Rauhala
Doctor of Technology, born in 1979
Senior Vice President since 2022, Power System Operations
Member of the executive management group since 2022,
employed by Fingrid since 2015
Key positions of trust
Finextra Oy, Member of the Board 2022-
Tampere University, Docent 2019-
Previous work experience
Fingrid Oyj, several positions 2007-2014, 2015-
Alstom Grid / General Electric FACTS, Development Project Manager 2014-2015
Tampere University of Technology, several positions 2003-2007, 2007-2016
Holds no shares in the company or in a company that belongs to the same group as Fingrid.
Kari Suominen
M.Sc. (Tech.), MBA, CBM, born in 1964
CIO since 2013, ICT
Member of the executive management group since 2013,
employed by Fingrid since 2013
Key positions of trust
Fingrid Datahub Oy, Member of the Board 2024-
eSett Oy, Member of the Board 2022- and Chair of the Board 2024-
ENTSO-E ICT Committee, Member 2022-
Previous work experience
Ahlstrom Oyj, CIO 2009-2013
Konecranes Oyj, CIO 2002-2009
STERIS Finn-Aqua, Head of Production 1997-2002
Aquamaster-Rauma, Aquamaster-Rauma Korea Ltd, several positions 1989-1997
Holds no shares in the company or in a company that belongs to the same group as Fingrid.
Advisory Committee
Fingrid's Board of Directors appoints an advisory committee with 10 to 14 members to serve as a link between the company, its customers and other stakeholders. The advisory committee is an
advisory body which provides perspectives on the company's grid operations and customer services from a customer point of view. The advisory committee widely represents electricity producers, transmitters, sellers, users and other electricity market actors.
Updated 17 December 2024