Corporate responsibility
Fingrid is building a platform for a clean electricity system.
We are developing the main grid and electricity market to combat climate change and achieve Finland’s climate objectives.
Corporate responsibility every day!
Finland is aiming for climate neutrality by 2035 in order to slow down climate change. At the same time, electricity consumption and electricity dependence are on the rise – electricity consumption is forecast to increase by as much as 50 per cent. All this requires a shift to clean energy. We at Fingrid are building a platform for a clean electricity system and thus supporting Finland’s transition to climate neutrality.
In doing this work, we take care of people, environmental impacts and good governance in a responsible manner. For us, responsibility is a team sport to which we commit all personnel and in which we also involve our business partners.
Our corporate responsibility focus areas are environmental responsibility, social responsibility and good governance. Every day of the year.
Corporate responsibility key figures 2023
- Public debate frequently overlooks the need to transfer clean electricity to consumers without compromising the reliability of supply. Fingrid plays a significant role in this duty. In my opinion, Fingrid’s biggest corporate responsibility pledge for this decade is crystallised in our basic mission: Fingrid’s mission is to secure the supply of electricity in our society in all circumstances and promoting a power system based on electricity generated without emitting carbon dioxide.
Marina Louhija
SVP, legal affairs and administration, compliance and sustainability
Principles of responsibility and responsible procurement, Global Compact and Code of Conduct >
Fingrid's impact on YK Sustainable Development Goals >
Responsibility reporting tied to the GRI index >
Corporate responsibility year 2023
Through our business, we promote the global UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Marina Louhija
SVP, legal affairs and administration, compliance and sustainability
tel. +358 30 395 5289
Satu Vuorikoski
Senior Expert, Environment and Corporate Responsibility
tel. +358 30 395 5195