
Our commitment to UN Sustainable Development Goals

We are involved in promoting global responsibility objectives. For our part, we especially promote goals related to energy, infrastructure and climate action of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Fingrid signed the UN Global Compact in 2016 and is committed to the principles related to human rights, labour, environmental protection and anti-corruption therein.

Every Fingrid employee is committed to working in compliance with the Code of Conduct, which is based on the United Nations Global Compact as well as principles guiding business operations and human rights.

Fingrid’s annual report (link) serves as a Communication on Progress (COP) report under the UN Global Compact initiative.

Goal 7: Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

  • We secure a reliable supply of electricity and affordable transmission pricing in the main grid for society. Society’s demand for disturbance-free electricity is growing, and severe disturbances in the electricity supply are one of the greatest security threats. We are investing in improving the reliability of electricity transmission, and are developing the main grid and electricity market to combat climate change and achieve Finland’s climate objectives. We are also securing a functional electricity market and are a pioneer in electricity market services. A strong main grid ensures that the wholesale price of electricity remains the same everywhere in Finland, thereby enabling investments throughout the country.
  • We endeavour to ensure affordable, reliable and modern energy services (target 7.1*).
  • We endeavour to increase the share of renewable energy by investing in main grids to enable the connection of emission-free electricity generation (target 7.2*).
  • We aim to improve energy efficiency and be energy efficient in all our activities (target 7.3*).


Indicator or goal monitored by Fingrid in relation to the SDG target:

  • Reliability of electricity transmission in the main grid (%)
  • Ensuring that Finland remains a single electricity price area
  • Connecting wind power to the main grid (MW)
  • Cost trends in relation to the general price level

* Adapted on the basis of the target

Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure and promote sustainable industrialisation and innovation.

  • We maintain and develop the critical electricity transmission infrastructure to meet the needs of customers and society and achieve climate goals. The extensive investments of our main grid development programme provide several hundred person-years of employment for our service providers. Our employment impact is spread across a wide area, as we invest in sites all over Finland and purchase grid construction and maintenance services from external service providers. We are active in international cooperation and innovation when future technologies are developed in this field. We work with various entities, including start-ups, on innovations that create new business opportunities on the infrastructure platform that we build.
  • We develop reliable, robust and high-quality infrastructure, such as national and cross-border infrastructure, to underpin economic development and human well-being by investing in ensuring equal, affordable availability for all (target 9.1*).
  • We seek to modernise the infrastructure in accordance with sustainable development in order to optimise the use of resources and contribute to the deployment of clean, environmentally-friendly technologies and production processes (target 9.4*).


Indicator or goal monitored by Fingrid in relation to the SDG target:

  • Degree of completion of main grid projects (%)
  • Customer satisfaction (cNPS)
  • Affordability of grid service fees (ENTSO-E price comparison)

Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

  • The change in the power system production will transform our electricity system and contribute to combatting climate change. A strong main grid with robust transmission capacity is a prerequisite for curbing climate change. We enable the connection of clean energy generation into the main grid. We also ensure the adequacy of system reserves in the future and prepare for a reduction in flexible production capacity while developing the electricity market to suit the needs of a climate-neutral electricity system. We minimise power losses during electricity transmission as these have a negative impact on the climate.
  • We integrate actions related to climate change into Fingrid’s Code of Conduct, strategy and planning (target 13.2*).
  • We improve training and education related to curbing and adapting to climate change, and we increase knowledge of climate change (target 13.3*).


Indicator or goal monitored by Fingrid in relation to the SDG target:

  • SF6 emissions (%)
  • CO2 emissions from transmission losses (tonnes of CO2e)
  • Energy efficiency, energy savings (MWh)


Goal 5:  Achieve gender equality and empower rights and opportunities for women and girls.

  • We aim to guarantee equal opportunities for everyone and reduce unequal treatment. We treat everyone with respect and fairness in accordance with Fingrid’s Code of Conduct and ensure a level playing field for everyone. We are committed to promoting diversity in everything we do. Fingrid treats its personnel and all partners without discrimination, irrespective of their age, gender, nationality, ethnic background, language, world view, religion, state of health, sexual orientation, political background, socio-economic position or marital status.
  • We endeavour to prevent and combat discrimination (target 5.1*).
  • Fingrid guarantees equal opportunities, rights and treatment for all its employees (target 5.5*).


Indicator or goal monitored by Fingrid in relation to the SDG target:

  • No cases of discrimination
  • Diversification of the personnel structure


Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.

  • We contribute to technology renewal and innovation as well as resource efficiency. We also promote Finland’s competitiveness by ensuring reliable, affordable electricity. We aim to be one of the best workplaces in Finland, with a healthy work community as our mainstay. We promote responsible business practices throughout our supply chain.
  • We improve resource efficiency and promote the circular economy (target 8.4*).
  • We are taking action to eradicate forced labour, modern slavery and human trafficking (target 8.7*).
  • We protect labour rights and guarantee safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers; in particular women and those in precarious employment (target 8.8*).


Indicator or goal monitored by Fingrid in relation to the SDG target:

  • Outcome of the personnel survey among Finland’s best workplaces
  • Low rates of absence due to illness and premature retirement
  • Lost-time injuries frequency (LTIF)
  • Safety of the main grid, number of accidents caused to the public
  • Proportion of green financing in the company’s financing arrangements


Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

  • We ensure that our service providers and suppliers of goods are committed to our corporate responsibility requirements, and we verify compliance. We recycle all demolished materials from our worksites and minimise the amount of waste generated on our worksites and in our offices. We also seek new solutions related to the circular economy and material efficiency.
  • We endeavour to ensure the environmentally sustainable handling of chemicals and waste throughout their life cycles, and we seek to significantly reduce the quantities released into the air, water or soil in order to minimise their adverse impacts on human health and the environment (target 12.4*).
  • We strive to substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, recycling and reuse (target 12.5*).
  • We encourage companies to adopt sustainable practices (target 12.6*).
  • We promote procurement practices that are sustainable, in accordance with national laws and priorities (target 12.7*).


Indicator or goal monitored by Fingrid in relation to the SDG target:

  • Recycling rate (%)
  • Utilisation rate (%)
  • Sustainability of the supply chain, deviations following audits

Goal 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt land degradation and biodiversity loss.

  • We thoroughly assess the environmental impact of our operations. We aim to reduce the adverse effects of our transmission line projects on biodiversity, landscape and land use. We also aim to promote the safe utilisation of transmission line rights-of-way and biodiversity in such areas. We commit our service providers and suppliers to our environmentally responsible practices.
  • We conserve land and water ecosystems and the services they offer, and we ensure the sustainable use of such ecosystems (target 15.1*).
  • We take action to reduce the degradation of natural habitats, halt the loss of biodiversity, protect threatened species, and prevent the extinction of such species (target 15.5*).
  • We introduce measures to prevent the introduction and significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien species on land and water ecosystems, and control or eradicate the priority species (target 15.8*).
  • We integrate ecosystem and biodiversity values into Fingrid’s planning and development processes (target 15.9*).

Indicator or goal monitored by Fingrid in relation to the SDG target:

  • Implementation of projects to promote biodiversity
  • Utilisation of old transmission line rights-of-way (%)
  • Deployment of solutions to increase the grid transmission capacity
  • Environmental deviations


Goal 16: Promote peaceful societies, guarantee access to justice for all, and build effective and accountable institutions at all levels.

  • Fingrid combats the grey economy and does not condone money laundering or corruption, such as extortion and bribery. Furthermore, Fingrid has multiple operating models for preventing any corruption, bribery and other financial abuses in relation to matters such as the use of funds, accepting hospitality, verifying commitments, counterparty audits and sanctions monitoring. We ensure this by keeping our principles, guidelines and orientation up-to-date.
  • We actively combat corruption and bribery (target 16.5*).
  • We promote effective, accountable and transparent operating practices (target 16.6*).


Indicator or goal monitored by Fingrid in relation to the SDG target:

  • Paying taxes according to the Finnish rate of corporation tax
  • Grade awarded in the personnel survey for the responsibility of ways of working 
  • Updating the principles and policies according to an annual timetable
  • Making contingencies for risks and practising continuity management 
  • Protecting business-critical and personal data
  • Credit rating
  • Dividend payout capacity


Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and the global partnership for sustainable development.

  • As a transmission system operator, our operations affect many stakeholders; and interaction for the benefit of customers and society is important. This will become increasingly important as more and more electricity is consumed in order to reduce emissions in other sectors. Collaboration with landowners and local people in transmission line rights-of-way is also important to us. We combine our core competencies with the best operators and promote sustainable development and responsible practices globally through our procurement. We operate in international cooperation networks and engage in industry cooperation, research and development activities and cooperation with educational institutions. We promote partnerships between the public and private sectors.
  • We enhance sustainable development targets through multi-stakeholder partnerships, and we share knowledge, expertise and technology to support the achievement of sustainable development goals (target 17.16*).
  • We encourage and promote effective public and public-private partnerships (target 17.17*).


Indicator or goal monitored by Fingrid in relation to the SDG target:

  • The company’s reputation among various stakeholders, stakeholder surveys
  • Landowners’ satisfaction with the management of investment projects
  • Service providers’ willingness to work with Fingrid