Information for consumers
What does Fingrid do? What is a TSO or main grid?
The main grid is the nationwide backbone network for electricity transmission – the “highway” of the power system, transmitting electricity throughout Finland. Large power plants, factories and regional distribution networks are connected to the main grid.
Fingrid Oyj is the TSO, transmission system operator, of Finland. Fingrid is responsible for the functionality of electricity transmission in the main grid and for ensuring an undisrupted power supply in Finland. Fingrid’s customers are electricity producers, network operators, major consumers of electricity, and other electricity market operators. Distribution system operators distribute electricity from the main grid to households and other consumption facilities.
The electricity system of Finland consists of power plants, the main grid, high-voltage distribution networks, other distribution networks, and electricity consumers. It is part of the pan-Nordic power system along with systems in Sweden, Norway and eastern Denmark. There is also a high-voltage direct current transmission link from Estonia to Finland.
Fingrid is responsible for main grid operation planning and supervision as well as grid maintenance and development. Another task involves participating in the operations of ENTSO-E and the preparation of European market and system operation codes, and European grid planning.
The main grid development plan presents the development needs of Fingrid’s main grid and planned investments for the next ten years. Continuous development of the main grid ensures that the electricity transmission grid and the entire system meet the applicable requirements in a changing operating environment.