
Extranet services

Our extranet services offer electronic services to our stakeholders. Please find under the main service offering in each of our extranet services. You can access the service by clicking the icon and using your dedicated password. If you need a password, please consult our service specialist (specified under).

Please note that to access our balancing power and reserve market service you need to contact our service specialist (icon not available for access).

My Fingrid

Agreements, invoices, reports, grid connections and reactive power. 

Invoicing and Energy Balance Service

Invoicing, reports, energy balance and hourly metering.


Detailed and descriptive picture of electricity quality at customers' connection point.

GO Register

To administrate and operate guarantees of origin.  

Balancing Power and Reserves

Market place for reserves and balancing power. 


Projects, maintenance, planning, consultancy.

Work safety notification before work starts


Safety audits, observations and near-miss reports.

For email correspondence, please use firstname.lastname@fingrid.fi.