Privacy statement
Privacy statement for customer, partner and communication registers
Privacy statement for landowner register
Privacy statement for recruitment register
Privacy statement for the security register
Privacy statement on legislative duties based on electricity market legislation
Privacy statement for Maastotiedonkeruu mobile app
Privacy statement for Laitekoodit application
Privacy statement for Johtotyöt application
Privacy statement for Kasvustotyöt application
Privacy statement for Asematyöt application
Privacy statement for Fingrid Partner Apps application
Review of your personal information
If you would like to verify the registered information about yourself at Fingrid, please send an email request to In order us to serve you in a most efficient way, please tell us in your request when and where you have been in contact with Fingrid. In addition to your email address, please include your mailing address and phone number in your request. Please note that we will need to verify your identity before submitting information to you.
For more information on the processing of personal data and the rights of the data subject, see the privacy statements above.